Month to Month Memberships
- POW! will reinstate your month to month membership on July 18th, 2020 unless you email membership@powkickboxing.com asking to remain inactive.
- All pee-wee month to month and family memberships that included pee-wees will not be reactivated during this time.
- If you have already reached out to us about your month to month, please fee free to send us another email (or forward) to membership@powkickboxing.com.
3 - 6- 9 - 12 Month Memberships (Auto Pays)
- POW! will reinstate your membership on July 18th, 2020 unless you email membership@powkickboxing.com for one of these options.
- a complimentary 60 day continued suspension, in which case your expiration will be extended for those 60 days and your next billing date will occur on September 18, 2020.
- a termination with a termination fee which is determined by the amount of month remaining in your contract.
- 1-3 month left is $50
- 4-7 months left is $75
- 8+ months left is $100
- Memberships can be downgraded from a family to a couple or single, and from a couples membership to a single membership.
12 Month Pay in Full Memberships
- You paid for 10 months and received 2 months for free. POW! was closed for 77 days. We will be extending all 12 month pay in full contracts by 30 days.
- If you purchases a Back to School promotion from fall 2019, feel free to email membership@powkickboxing.com for the details for your specific membership.